Monday, July 30, 2007

Lobby Concept 01

Worked off of Ken's rough. Not sure if my lines are thin enough (what do you use Ken?). I tried to freehand the straight lines to get a similar kind of line that I noticed in Ken and Dalmation's layouts, but doesn't seem to be working. So for the 1pt perspective view of the elevator lobby and the other 3/4 view I'll work with the ruler to improve the line quality. I'll post up roughs tonight to get some feedback before jumping to the final.


[B]ehram said...
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[B]ehram said...

jinny use pencils to get the thick and thin

Jinny Liang said...

ah ok.. regular HB pencils? I tried using 0.5 mechanical..

Kenneth Tam said...

haha its just a base design, u can feel free to more stuff to it lol